Saturday, June 18, 2011

Delta Junction to Harding Lake

Delayed post by Merrill for June 17, 2011
June 17, 2011 we left Delta Junction and drove 55 miles to Harding Lake Recreation Park.Since we are somewhat ahead of schedule we are taking time to enjoy some of the local places of interest.One of the highlights was our visit to Rika’s Roadhouse. This is a restored roadhouse and out building representing the early 1900s.It is located along the Richardson Highway at the same area as the Alaska pipeline crosses the Tanana River. Since we were expecting a lot of walking we took Stanley’s motorized scooter out of the trunk, assembled it and secured his cane and Marie’s purse in the trunk and began our walk to the roadhouse.Stanley decided that he might as well talk his cane with him; that is when we discovered that our car was locked with the key in the ignition and our spare set of keys were in Marie’s purse locked in the trunk; what a dilemma?We are members of AAA motor club and just before this trip we enrolled in Good Sam’s Emergency Road Service so I began looking for help.The host at the roadhouse was helpful and put me in touch with a local locksmith. I couldn’t locate a phone number for AAA so I called Good Sam’s R.V. Emergency Road service who assured me that they would reimburse me for the locksmith’s fee.No harm done just a minor inconvenience; the locksmith came promptly and we were able to proceed almost as planned. Before heading north we ate lunch beside the river at the site of the pipeline.After lunch as we were proceeding northward we spotted a moose in a body of water beside the road.We stopped for a moose photo shoot as did several other R.V.ers.Soon after getting back on the road saw a sign and drove to Harding Lake a very beautiful lake but no camping available at that spot. A few miles down the road we found Harding Lake Recreation Park that has camping so we stopped early for a time of relaxing.Marie and I took naps while Stanley and Mary Jane scouted out the place.In the evening Stanley and I built a fire while the ladies prepared supper.We ate outside by the fire which was very pleasant since the evenings cool off so much.  
 Moose cooling it in the pond 
Camp site at Harding Lake

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